Voice Over Scripting
Audio Production Voice E-Greetings
From conception to execution, Motor City Voice Over can transform
your product, services, e-greeting, announcements, or comedy idea into a completly written, voiced, and produced audio package.
Whether you need commercial copy, straight or character
voice talent, or a finished produced product, Motor City Voice Over is geared for results.
- Creative conception,
promotion, production
Voice over
trailers, commercials, animation, narration, etc.
advertising copy, news, comedy, releases
Audio production
recording, producing, editing, demo's
comedy parodies, bits, spoofs, characters
Voice E-Greetings Santa, Cupid, Dracula, etc.
over demo's and voice e-greeting catagories including Santa, Cupid; Governor Arnold, are located on the
left of this page.
City Voice Over... geared for results!